Projects that make a difference.
Our Principles
Our filmmaking stands by a most basic principle - create respected films and demand that their stories be told with richness and quality because audiences deserve them.
We are an independent film production company that creates original material. We believe we're in the storytelling business. Every story sparks from an idea, and we pride ourselves on developing original ideas into distinctive stories people want to watch.
When cinema is done right, filmmaking guides the viewer through an inspired experience that resonates long after its viewing. Our independent filmmaking projects are wholly concerned with delivering that experience. We make cinema that moves.
Our Film Development and Production Process
Our development process begins with an original drafted story concept or screenplay, or content through partnerships with other writers and filmmakers. To develop original material through a process that strives for quality, our production work often consists of reliable collaboration with other producers, filmmakers, and film crew.
Our original screenplays go through a rigorous revision and refinement process before we deem them ready for filmmaking. If we develop a screenplay in-house and invite co-production participation, we carefully plan every step of the strategy to ensure the story will be molded and supported from inception.
Once a strong screenplay is properly developed, we invite directors who are passionate about our material, and encourage their vision for the film to be freely expressed while staying true to the spirit of the story.
We then align with outside financing and development partners to finance our feature films. We originate content to invite financing for several millions, and also originate story content that can be financed and fulfilled at under one million. We are not a financing source, but our financing partners enjoy our collaborations due to our effective budget and story outlays and strategies.
In essence, our process lacks the bureaucratic underpinnings of larger film production environments, and translates to a healthy, vibrant artistic experience ripe for both creative and commercial success. Every project is nurtured through process, and our collaborative production experiences have led to lasting partnerships with those in front of and behind the camera.
Latest Films in Development
We develop film projects and partner on others that explore a range of drama and sophistication. Our current slate of films are in various stages of development, production, and co-production.
Inspired by seminal films like Michael Mann's Heat and Martin Scorsese's The Departed, BROTHERS IN ARMS is a feature film property that treads on the consequences of broken family.
In 2023, the project began as an award-winning short film, earning multiple awards including Best Film and Best Cinematography awards at several international film festivals. The completed short film is currently being presented along with the completed feature film screenplay in industry circles. The feature film now invites production company/studio partnering and financing for the feature development.
This film property is now inviting literary and packaging representation to further the feature film development. To inquire, please contact:

In development
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